Optimal Chips: N/A

Die-per-Wafer Calculator

The Die Per Wafer (DPW) calculator is a computational tool designed to address key challenges in semiconductor manufacturing. By factoring in critical parameters such as wafer diameter, chip dimensions, edge exclusions, and inter-die spacing, the calculator provides accurate estimates of maximum chip yield per wafer. This tool is particularly valuable for semiconductor engineers and designers, offering a practical solution for optimising wafer utilisation and reducing production waste.

Behind the scenes, the DPW calculator employs multiple algorithms to map and optimise die placement on a wafer. The Geometric symmetry approach uses geometric alignment techniques, ensuring uniform die placement while minimizing waste. By managing edge exclusions, grid shifts, and symmetrical constraints, this method provides a precise and predictable solution suitable for standard manufacturing scenarios.

For more complex and dynamic needs, the DPW calculator incorporates a Greedy + Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm. The greedy phase generates an initial solution by filling the wafer with as many dies as possible while adhering to spacing and exclusion rules. Simulated Annealing then iteratively refines the solution, exploring alternative configurations and optimising for maximum yield. This approach is particularly effective in scenarios with irregular constraints or high demands for die density. The solution, however, is more unstable and is not guaranteed to perform better than the simpler geometrical solution.

Symmetrical Algorithm Pseudo-code

    function calculateSymmetrical() {
        initialize wafer parameters:
            waferDiameter, chipWidth, chipHeight, spacing, edgeExclusion
        generate grid shift options:
            shifts = [ {xShift: 0, yShift: 0}, {xShift: spacing/2, yShift: spacing/2} ]
        bestDpw = 0
        bestPositions = []
        for each shift in shifts:
            initialize dpw = 0
            initialize positions = []
            for each row:
                for each column:
                    calculate (x, y) based on chip size and shift
                    if (x, y) lies inside wafer usable radius:
                        check overlap with edge exclusions
                        if valid:
                            add (x, y) to positions
            if dpw > bestDpw:
                bestDpw = dpw
                bestPositions = positions
        return {bestDpw, bestPositions}

Greedy + Simulated Annealing Algorithm Pseudo-code

    function greedySimulatedAnnealing() {
        initialize wafer parameters:
            waferDiameter, chipWidth, chipHeight, spacing, edgeExclusion
        initialize temperature = 1.0
        initialize coolingRate = 0.9
        initialize maxIterations = 250
        radius = calculate usable radius of wafer
        chipWidthWithSpacing = chipWidth + spacing
        chipHeightWithSpacing = chipHeight + spacing
        currentSolution = greedy placement:
            generateInitialSolution(radius, chipWidthWithSpacing, chipHeightWithSpacing)
        bestSolution = copy(currentSolution)
        bestDpw = evaluateSolution(currentSolution, radius)
        for iteration from 1 to maxIterations:
            newSolution = perturb currentSolution:
                randomly move one chip to a nearby valid position
                ensure no overlaps or spacing violations
            newDpw = evaluateSolution(newSolution, radius)
            if newDpw > bestDpw:
                bestSolution = copy(newSolution)
                bestDpw = newDpw
                currentSolution = copy(newSolution)
                calculate acceptance probability:
                    delta = newDpw - bestDpw
                    probability = exp(delta / temperature)
                    if random() < probability:
                        accept newSolution as currentSolution
            reduce temperature: 
                temperature = temperature * coolingRate
        return {bestDpw, bestSolution}
    function generateInitialSolution(radius, chipWidthWithSpacing, chipHeightWithSpacing) {
        initialize positions = []
        for each row:
            for each column:
                calculate (x, y) for the chip
                if (x, y) lies inside wafer usable radius and satisfies spacing:
                    add (x, y) to positions
        return positions
    function perturbSolution(solution, chipWidthWithSpacing, chipHeightWithSpacing) {
        copy solution to newSolution
        randomly select one chip in newSolution
        randomly move the chip within spacing constraints
        ensure no overlap or invalid positions
        return newSolution
    function evaluateSolution(solution, radius) {
        count chips in solution that lie inside the usable wafer radius
        return count